Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Know this is sudden... :/

Heya, I know this isn't about animal jam, but I really wanted to announce something on both Animals Rock and The Daily Jamaa. I'm going to try to have 3 BLOGS! i'm reviving LEGO Stories! To start it off i'm going to post..... oh never mind, you can see it for yourself :D To find this, go on one of the blogs, and click my profile and click...
I hope you like it :DDDD

Friday, November 29, 2013

Friendship and Teamwork: One of a kind.

Welcome back jammers! i'm Here to show you that Teamwork and Friendship is a match made in heaven. Your friend will be by your side, no matter how hard things are, like adventures in animal jam, we got captured together, we didn't care! we stuck together
(I warned her I was taking a photo) But then we escaped the dungeon as a team, we had to dodge THE PHANTOM WATCHERS! if you went into their lazer, you'd fall asleep as soon as you touched them, but we got away!
And we destroyed the PHANTOM HIVE, by getting the orange alpha stones to open the flame gate and destroy the phantom king, but the phantom king vanished before we destroyed him.
And I met an alpha once! we both did, this is a different image tho, I met Greely the Wolf Alpha
And I met Cosmo the Koala Alpha
and Liza the Panda Alpha
Thanks for reading this post! Keep on Jamming! -Ry

Welcome Jammers!

Hello, Welcome to The Daily Jamaa! Everyday if I can, I am going to post about animal jam, it's updates and more
This blog is a kid safe blog, so is the game animal jam! if your looking for Fantasy, Friends, and epic adventures... Then go to and sign up. If you want to find me on animal jam, my username is Bamboopanda12345 right now I am currently a member with a gold name plate (where your name is) my membership will expire after a month, so after 30 days are up, you'll see me as non member. Thank you for reading this first post, Keep on jamming! -Ry